Monday, March 2, 2015

Just a School Project (not really)

     Hi! This blog is dedicated to finding and sharing tips on how to get out of the prediabetic stage. My end goal will be to provide a plan that helps with this and will include foods to eat (and avoid), exercise recommendations, and everyday healthy habits. In addition, I will include some videos in which I share my experiences and reflections after I try out these tips myself.
     To be honest, I was inspired (and required) to make this blog because of a class project. The idea sounds really cool though. It's called 20% Time and it's basically when the students get to choose whatever topic they want to research in depth. Letting the students be in charge may be risky, but it's actually not a bad idea. Passion is the key to motivation so allowing the students to research something they're interested in makes them self-motivated to be successful in their projects. Do you know that Gmail came from Google allowing their employees a 20% Time? Honestly, the best (and lucrative in that case) ideas come from allowing people to be creative in what they want to pursue (with a little guidance of course).
     I decided to focus on prediabetes because my dad has it (and I probably will if I continue to consume so many sweets). Personally knowing some loved ones who have diabetes/prediabetes makes me passionate toward this project and interested in finding ways to treat it. That's why my question right know is "How can people get out of the prediabetic stage?" Throughout my blog, I will be working toward coming up with an answer to this in the form of the plan I mentioned earlier. Since I want my readers to know more about this topic and the ways to treat it, I will measure my progress/achievement by how much useful and applicable tips I provide that people can incorporate in their daily lifestyles. Thanks for reading and hopefully I convinced you to read the rest of my posts! :)


  1. I think your idea is very interesting and increasingly relevant in our society. I think we have all seen the news reports and shocking statiscs relating to obesity, "overcarbsumption", and diabetes. This also really ties in with our lesson that we had learned about earlier in Anatomy and Physiology. I cant wait to see what you research and good luck! :)

  2. I find this an inspiring blog!!! As Gwyneth said it is relevant to our society because we are starting to lean towards (if not already) a population of ONLY overweight people. Of course, it has to do with how we eat, and a little bit of genetics, but if we don't change this (I mean our diet) we will probably disappear (die) faster decreasing the human race population. Yes, I know so inspiring comment, but it is true.
    I am just glad that you are showing interest in this topic affecting now millions of people.
    Have fun, and good luck

  3. April your idea is very inspiring and relative to issues occurring today in the 21st Century. Stated previously by Constanza and Gwyneth, today's population is lingering towards a epidemic of diseases specifically that of Diabetes due to overcarbsumption . I truly believe that this onset can be prevented through measures of changing the American Diet. If we don't take action now, our generation will witness a onset of health problems due to poor dietary consumption. Overall I think your project plan makes perfect sense and I wish the best of luck!
    - Shayan

  4. It is really cool that you want to be able to help yourself and others from being diagnosed with pre diabetes. Sugar and eating so much junk food is a major problem, as it was previously said, and I think that it has become such a big part of everybody's daily life that people forget that it is a problem that needs to either be limited and/or even stopped. A question that I have for you is will you be implementing the tips and advice that you find into your daily life, no matter how ridiculous, for a little while or do you plan on using them for the rest of your life?
    I look forward to what you find and good luck with everything!

  5. Very inspiring! It will be very interesting to see the ideas you come up with to prevent diabetes. I think you should look into our previous notes about the health pillars in order to find the root of the problem.
    Good Luck!

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