How does this affect us?

Ok, I’m pretty sure most of you guys know that diabetes is a major killer in America-- especially with all the McDonald’s and Burger King chains we have in this country. But did you guys know that as many 28% of Americans with full blown diabetes aren’t even aware they have it? That this disease is the #1 cause of blindness, kidney failures, and amputations? That by 2050, experts predict that every one in three adults will have diabetes? That’s still in this generation’s lifetime and we’re certainly getting there when the go-to snack choice is chips and the preferred physical activity is playing video games. I would think most people in this classroom know someone who has diabetes-- my grandpa has it!--  and this makes us wonder if it’s us next. I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m a prediabetic with all the junk food I consume and how little I exercise. The scary thought that I could be next makes me want to find out if I can get out before it’s too late.

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