Sunday, May 31, 2015

Learning to be Flexible

     In the end, I've decided to create a collection of info graphics for my final project. These info graphics had tips on diet, exercise, water consumption, and sleep. I would say this was a complete success. Although my original idea was to make a plan based on diet and exercise, my goal was always to educate people on how to reduce their chances of getting diabetes. Making info graphics on tips for this definitely achieved my goal.
     Through this process, I've learned how to be more flexible. When time was running out, I figured out how to shift my plans. This is important because in life, things do not always go as planned. It is vital to know how to adapt to new circumstances in order to reach a goal.
     One of the last things we had to do for my Anatomy class before school ended was to give a TED talk on this 20 Time Project. Initially, I was extremely nervous because we were all required to give a five minute talk on our projects and how we went through with it. Although five minutes may not seem like a long time, it really is when you're just straight talking in front of the entire class. To prepare for this, I typed out what I wanted to say during my presentation. After doing that, I highlighted the key points I wanted to hit. Then, I started memorizing each paragraph while timing myself. This helped me on deciding the pacing in order to keep my speech within the five minute range. After memorizing everything, I would take a break and do some chores. During my chores, I would still practice my speech and see if I got it down. For presentations, I've learned that the key is to just keep practicing. Whether you're at the supermarket or folding the laundry, just pretend you're giving your presentation then and go over what you're going to say.
     Overall, I'm really glad I had the chance to do this 20 Time Project and I would strongly recommend trying one for those who never did. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wrapping It Up

     Hey guys! So basically, after I finish researching more about exercise and the different types of it, I'll be creating my diabetes plan. This will be incorporating all the research I did previously to help guide pre-diabetics on the foods and exercise they need in order to fight off diabetes.
     Right now, I'm debating on whether to include the plan in some sort of pamphlet that includes info graphics to help illustrate and convince viewers why drinking more water is necessary, etc.
     I really like the pamphlet idea, but I'm not sure if I could finish it in time especially when the deadline for this project is coming up soon. For now, I will ask family and friends on their opinions on what I should do.