Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Water's a Prediabetic's Best Friend

          Water. It's amazingly refreshing after an intense run or workout, but drinking it regularly? It gets to the point in which it just tastes bland. However, there's a reason why it's vital to our well-being (and why our parents always nag us to drink more of it).
          Staying hydrated with water helps lower our blood sugar levels. It also helps with weight loss. Why? Well, our bodies tend to mistake thirst for hunger, which leads to overeating and weight gain (which really just increases your chances of having diabetes). That's why you should aim to drink water before, during, and after each meal. The most crucial time to drink water, however, is right after sweating. People should try to drink 8 glasses per day.
          If you do get tired of drinking water, you can opt for a tastier choice: green tea. Sodas, fruit juices, energy drinks, and designer coffees are all filled with carbs that can send your blood sugar levels soaring (and your waistline growing). This yummy tea, however, does just the opposite. There are research that show that drinking 2-4 cups a day stops high blood sugar levels from damaging organs in the body. Green tea also helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism.
         This past week, I've tried drinking more water, even following the advice of drinking it before and after, as well as during my meals. I find that I'm getting full faster and don't need to eat as much. I usually am hungry after school, but because of drinking more water, I'm finding that I could sometimes go without that afterschool snack. I guess I should've listened to my mom earlier when she was telling me I needed to drink more water.


  1. I don't think people realize how important water is. There are so many benefits to drinking more water, like clearer skin. I rarely drink enough, and since I run a lot, I'm often dehydrated. However, recently I have been trying to drink a glass of water with every meal and after I run. By drinking more, I feel more energetic and feel better overall.

  2. This post was a good reminder for me to drink more water because of all the benefits there are. I often drink more soda and energy drinks when I'm thirsty than water, and I made it my goal a while ago to drink at least a bottle per day. Similar to your experience, I've been feeling more full after drinking water and I would eat less snacks in between meals which is nice especially because I usually grab junk food.

  3. This is a very interesting topic! People don't know the horrible effects of drinking soda and other drinks like it. It's so easy to get rid of these drinks in our daily diets and swap it out with water. My father has Type 1 diabetes and doesn't like the taste of water. He has started to drink sparkling water with little flavor to stay hydrated! Awesome project and I wish you luck!

  4. Wow, water really is vital in our systems. It is commonly forgotten by many to drink water all the time, and especially at school, kids go all the way through the day without drinking a sip. Campaigns could really fix this issue, and make us healthier as a whole.

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